Posted in Prompted Writing

Liebster Award !!!!

Hi guys! It’s official! I’m famous.

We can’t even be friends anymore now. You’re going to have to pay me now to even look in my direction. Yes. I demand to be that prestige.

I want to give my sincerest of thanks to my laptop for being my loyal companion, for always being there when I need to vent and for being my rock. You guys probably think I’m joking but I am not.  I really do love my laptop.

However, the real thanks goes to  talkwithtoni for nominating me and wanting to find out more about my boring old self. Her blog is trully a gem to behold, talking about being an adult but a child at heart. She also explores the complexities of love and relationships- her relationship with her high school sweetheart is the stuff of legends! You need to check her out for sure!

10 Random Facts about me ( Incase y’all are actually interested)

  1. I cannot cycle- Yes, I am age 21 and I cannot ride a bike. Don’t get me wrong, I can pedal fine but I just can’t seem to navigate at the same time. Which brings us to the next fact.
  2. I obviously cannot multi-task (See above)
  3. I love my laptop so much. I think if someone wanted to find out what kind of person I was in my entirety, I would just hand them my laptop.
  4. I love reading- which I guess is a commodity to many bloggers, so yeah, nothing special in this sense but please, let me gloat.
  5. My new favorite thing to see is when I log in to my WordPress account and that little yellow dot in the top corner winks at me as if to say “hey girl….you got fans 😉 “
  6. I hate the smell of flowers.
  7. I love food. Trust me, the way to my heart is literally through my stomach. LITERALLY.
  8. I’m a sucker for romance- even if I don’t experience any myself, I love and loathe seeing people in love. It’s definitely a love/hate relationship- Did you see what I did there? Please clap for me I am hilarious.
  9. My friends seem to think that I’m not funny but please, PLEASE, see above!
  10. I tend to be too nice and loving to people that are not deserving. I give too much of myself out and get disappointed when it’s not reciprocated.

Questions from Toni

1. When do you find the time to blog?

If my boss heard this, I would be fired but I have to be honest right? I blog mostly when I’m at work because I work on a computer. So when we’re not too busy, there I am blogging away. But I also blog on my bed, late at night as I am doing right now.

2. Would you rather explore the deep ocean or outer space?

Definitely the deep ocean. It’s a known fact that we know more about outer space than we know about our oceans. I’m a sucker for fairy tales- I want to find out if sirens do indeed exist and explore the lost city of Atlantis- and finding a Jason Momoa lookalike merman wouldn’t hurt either.

3. What is the scariest thing you have experienced while traveling?

The scariest thing that I have ever experienced while travelling was the fact that I was chased by a herd of cows once. And no, it wasn’t fun (But in retrospect, I think the cows were more scared of me that I was of them but that was irrelevant at the time- my hands were shaking and my armpits were drenched in sweat)

4. If you could only take 1 more trip, where would you go?

This is an easy one right? I’d go to Nigeria and say hello to the family. Any other answer would be selfish right? As in I can’t just go the Caribbean instead right? As in I couldn’t, could I? Could I?

5. If you could give someone $1,000,000 who would you give it to?

Once again, a very easy one- I’d literally hand the money over to my grandmother so that she could live the rest of her days in sunshine, just because I love her!

Purple Award

And here are my nominations ( I cannot wait to see what we all have to say!)


Cresta’s Confession




And here are my questions:

  • What is your favourite quote?
  • What is your favourite childhood memory?
  • The hardest thing you’ve ever had to do
  • Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
  • How does writing your blog make you feel?
  • What is your favourite book?
  • What are your biggest regrets?
  • What is your biggest achievement to date?

Happy writing guys! Remember to link me when you do get around to doing yours! I want to learn about you too.

The rules to the Liebster award can be found here. It really is a great platform for us as bloggers to find out a bit more about each other and a great excuse for us to be the nosy human beings that we all are at heart.

26 thoughts on “Liebster Award !!!!

  1. Oh darling girl…many many congratulations to you!!!
    You so deserve this beautiful recognition…I am so proud of you❤❤
    Thank you so much for nominating me as well…I am truly honoured. However, I feel like I need to polish my craft a little more before I could accept any title. But I am so so happy that you even considered me worthy of it. You are my precious dear friend ❤❤❤❤❤

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